2 Tips to Make Your First Trip Whitewater Rafting a Success

Are you preparing to go whitewater river rafting for the first time, and you're wondering how you should prepare? These tips will help you know what you should wear and bring with you.

Know What To Wear

Many people make the mistake of looking at just the air temperature when you decide what to wear on their whitewater rafting trip. However, it is important to look at the water temperature as well. You should plan on getting wet, either due to being splashed or falling into the water, and ne prepared for those situations.

Your base layer should be clothing that will dry quickly when wet, such as a bathing suit. If it's going to be chilly, lightweight synthetic clothing can be thrown on top of it. Avoid wearing clothes made out of cotton, since wet cotton is going to retain moisture and keep you feeling cold the entire time. 

Footwear also needs to be something that will stay attached to your feet, so stay away from backless sandals. Instead, wear sandals that have a back on them so they stay where they should, even if you end up going into the water by accident. If you wear tennis shoes, wear a pair that you do not mind getting wet.

Know What To Bring

Now that you are dressed for the part, you want to know what to bring with you. It's always a good idea to bring sunglasses, but make sure that they have clips on them that help the sunglasses stay on your head. You don't want to go overboard and end up losing your glasses in the water, or hit a big rapid and have them fall off your head. 

You should also pack enough sunscreen to get you through the day. Plan to apply it before you head out for your rafting adventure, but being able to reapply throughout the day will be helpful as well. You'll also want to bring some dry clothes with you so that you can change out of your clothes at the end of the day in case you get too wet, as well as a towel to help you dry off. 

Finally, bring some cash with you so that you can tip your river guide at the end to show them that you appreciate the great job that they did. Not everyone can take a digital payment if that is what you are used to.   

About Me

Choosing Exciting Sports

When I started working out with a friend of mine, I realized that he had a completely different take on being outside and enjoying the great outdoors. Instead of simply riding around the normal trails and climbing the favorite rock climbing spots, he was adventurous and courageous. He really took extreme sports seriously. I learned how to brave new frontiers with him and enjoy things I never thought I would enjoy. This blog is completely dedicated to extreme sports and the rush you can receive by trying new things and pushing your body to the limits. Read more here to find out how to make your life more exciting.

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